Sunday, February 5, 2012

Massive Movement Project

Solstice and Equinoxes

Vocab Words  Bengali                                                            Definitions                               

Orbit                 কক্ষপথ                  The direction that Earth follows while revolving around the sun.

Tilt                    ঘটাটোপ             Tilt describes that Earth's axis isn't straight, it's 23.5 degrees tilted.

Axis                 অক্ষ                       An imaginary line that goes through the middle of Earth.

Equator           বিষুবরেখা               An imaginary line in the middle of Earth.

Revolution      বিপ্লব            When the Earth completes it's journey around the sun once in 1 year.

Polaris            ধ্রুবতারা                 The famous North star that Earth's axis points to.

Solstice          নিরক্ষরেখা                 Solstice is the longest and shortest day of the year.  

Equinox          বিষুব                  Equinox is equal day and night (12 hours day and 12 hours night)

Winter Solstice   দক্ষিণায়ণ                  First day of winter and shortest period of sunlight.

Summer Solstice উত্তরায়ণ                 First day of summer and longest period of sunlight.

Fall equinox        বিষুব পতন                      First day of season fall, equal day and night.

Spring equinox    মহাবিষুব                   First day of season spring, equal day and night.

                                 Vocab words                                                                             Pictures









                    Summer Solstice                             

                      Winter Solstice                            

                       Spring Equinox                           

                          Fall Equinox             


Solstice and equinoxes happen every year while Earth revolves around the sun, on it's way for a revolution. Solstice and Equinoxes are in-fact the beginning of new seasons. Tilt of the Earth makes the seasons possible. Summer solstice is the first day of summer and the longest period of sunlight, it occurs in 21-22 june. Fall equinox occurs in September 22-23. It is the first day of season fall and 12 hours day and 12 hours night. Winter Solstice is the first day season Winter and the shortest period of sunlight, it occurs in December 21-22. Spring Equinox is the first day of season winter, equal day and night time. It occurs in March 21-22.

Critical Thinking Question: How is Earth affected by movement (revolution)?

Movements of Earth and Moon affects Earth in various ways. For example, moon phases/lunar revolution causes the water level on Earth to go up and down, which we call "Tide". We get high and low tides everyday and that's all because of the movement of the Moon. Sometimes we see spring tide, in which the water level on earth reaches it's highest and the lowest state in different places. Then we may see some Neap Tide, which is low tide everywhere on Earth. The movement of the Earth causes day and night, when earth spins on it's axis. But when the Earth revolves around the sun, we see solstices and equinoxes or the beginning of different seasons such as summer, winter, spring, fall e.t.c. When the Earth completes it's journey around the sun once in 365 days, we celebrate new year.


1. What did you enjoy most about this project and why?

I enjoyed video editing the most. Because I like to work with Imovie.

2. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?

Finishing the movie on time was the most challenging part for me. Because, one of my group-mate was absent for the whole time.

3. What new skills did you learn fro doing this project?

I learned how to work with Imovie. I didn't expect Imovie to be a easy software to edit daily videos.

4. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.

If I could, I would've changed the audio of my movie. Because I think it sounds really low at the beginning of the movie but then it gets really loud over time. That annoys me! If I had time, I would've tried to make the audio better. Perfect if I wanted.

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